University of Bayreuth

Discover a young university oriented towards interdisciplinary collaboration and international partnerships.


General presentation

The University of Bayreuth (UBT) is a young, research-oriented campus university that is well-positioned internationally (ranked 49 in the THE’s worldwide ranking “Top 100 under 50”). While building on disciplinary excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration has been a defining theme since the establishment of the university in 1975. Indeed, interdisciplinary research and teaching programmes are not only exceptionally well-established but also institutionalized in the form of focus areas which bridge several faculties.

Located in Franconia, Northern Bavaria, the University fo Bayreuth is strongly committed to further international developments by taking into account its global identity as well as the diversity in a globalised higher education system.

The University of Bayreuth is now offering 500 courses in English, 25 international training programmes and 16 double degrees from BA to MA/MSc., 4 international PhD programmes.

By opening Gateway Offices in different world regions - Shanghai, Melbourne, Bordeaux and soon-to-come Boston - it intends to strengthen its relational proximity with its current and future partners to encourage the emergence of new projects. Those will foster students’ and researchers’ mobility as well as scientific collaborations on an international level.

→ More about the internationalisation strategy

→ More about the Gateway Offices

Focus areas

The University of Bayreuth has identified 12 focus areas which set the strategic priorities:

  • Polymer and Colloid Research, bringing together more than 35 professors from 3 faculties and enjoying a high degree of international visibility

  • African studies, for which the University of Bayreuth has been awarded the seal for excellence

  • Geochemistry and Geophysics

  • Environmental sciences

  • Advanced Materials and Energy Technology, under which fall heat storage, battery technology…

  • Food and Health sciences

→ Discover all the research areas of the University of Bayreuth

Our international office

Interested in going abroad, joining us from abroad or learning more about the University of Bayreuth’s vibrant international partnerships? Get in touch with the International Office, the centre of the University of Bayreuth’s international network. Here you will get the active guidance and support you need.

→ Go to the International Office website
